I have a passion for collecting vintage Star Wars merchandise from the late 70's. Action figures, comics, trading cards etc - anything related to the first Star Wars movie. But why only until 1980? It's not that I don't love The Empire Strikes Back and beyond (I really do), but there is something about that first wave of Star Wars mania that really grips me, back when it was all fresh and exciting...

Friday, February 6, 2015

Topps Trading Cards: Series 4

Here's the fourth series with the green borders. 1 more to go!

The puzzle of Han and Chewie is surprisingly tall and pretty hard to put together.  

We have 'movie facts' now instead of official descriptions and I like the one showing Lucas's influences like Flash Gordon and John Carter of Mars. I have to feel like they were groping a bit for new images to use on the card fronts. 'Luke's secret yen for action' made me laugh. Also cool; 'The Empire Strikes Back' way before there was a movie by that name. 


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Philip Marlowe said...

While the yellow (third) series was the first one I recall getting when it was new and on the shelves ($0.25 a pack iirc), the green series had two really cool cards of Stormtroopers that I liked a lot. I remember having them when I visited my grandparents' house. Unfortunately, I left them there and while I won't level the charge that my grandmother threw the cards away, they did mysteriously vanish the next time I was over to visit..